
The current rate of change is unprecedented. The general belief is that we are living at the start the 4th Industrial Revolution. Digital technology has had an impact on almost all aspects of daily life, globally.

As a simple example of the rate of change, the iPhone was released 29 June 2007. The iPhone represented an evolutionary step in technology and is widely considered the first smartphone. Just 16 years later, there are now approximately 4.35 billion “unique” smartphones in use across the globe today. At the start of 2023, 64.4% or 5.16 billion of the world’s total population use the Internet. The vast majority of the world’s Internet users, 92.3%, use a mobile phone to go online at least some of the time, and mobile phones now account for 60% of the world’s web traffic.

For anybody that doesn’t know, perhaps because you’ve been living on a different planet for the last few months, ChatGPT is chatbot developed by OpenAI. Like any other chatbot, you ask it questions and it uses its knowledgebase to respond. However, ChatGPT is unlike any chatbot that has preceded it. ChatGPT’s knowledgebase is vast and includes some of the most significant bodies of human knowledge. It leverages the dynamic scalability of the Azure Cloud to deliver astounding performance! But most impressive is its ability to “understand” textual questions and deliver seemingly human responses. One of my previous colleagues, Chris Cox, sums up ChatGPT really nicely in his LinkedIn post.

ChatGPT was released on 30 November 2022. 5 days later it reached a million users. It has been dubbed the fastest growing Internet application ever, with an estimated 100 million monthly users in January 2023. Microsoft, who announced an exclusive partnership with OpenAI in July 2019, have already announced that ChatGPT will be made available to Azure clients “soon”. Whilst there are limitations to the platform, it is currently in Beta and there are reports of strange “hallucinations“, the opportunities for innovation are what has captivated the imagination of citizens globally. The Azure Cloud provides extensive global reach for ChatGPT and seemingly infinite scalability for solutions that encompass it. As iterations of ChatGPTs model, capabilities, and specializations are delivered, it currently feels like there is no end to its potential and disruption. Microsoft is hoping this potential will loosen Google’s grip on search, as ChatGPT is combined with Bing to create a “Decision Engine”. To understand why this is important to Microsoft: $100 billion was wiped of Alphabet’s (Google’s parent company) market value when their ChatGPT “equivalent”, Bard, posted a wrong answer in a demonstration.

With this being’s first ever article, we wanted to create a real line in the sand for the current state of technology as of 23-02-2023. What better way to do this than collecting “views and opinions” from the latest technology itself: ChatGPT. Plus, we’ll be able to look back at this first article at our ten-year anniversary and see how the world has evolved – assuming the machines haven’t risen-up and we-re not living in a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland of course. Can ChatGPT predict what the technology landscape look like in 10 years’ time, and could it have had a similar, or even greater global impact than that of the iPhone?!

NOTE: ChatGPT uses previous questions in a session to create contextual responses. All of the responses displayed here are sequential and form part of the same session, just like a real interview. Individual responses from unique sessions have also been captured and can be viewed in the Single Question sections.

NOTE: ChatGPTs responses are displayed verbatim.

Computer Eye

Introduce Yourself

I am a machine learning model developed by OpenAI. I am trained on a diverse range of internet text to be able to understand and respond to a wide variety of questions and prompts. My training data includes a mix of web pages, books, and articles, and I am continually updated with new information. I am designed to be able to complete a wide range of language tasks, such as answering questions, translating text, and generating creative writing

What do you see is the future of information technology

​The future of information technology is an exciting and rapidly evolving landscape that will continue to shape and transform our world in many ways. Here are some trends and advancements that I see as key drivers of the future of IT:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is already making waves in many industries, from healthcare to finance to transportation. As AI technologies become more sophisticated, we can expect to see even more transformative applications in areas like natural language processing, image recognition, and decision-making.
  2. Internet of Things (IoT): The IoT refers to the growing network of physical objects that are connected to the internet, from smart homes to self-driving cars. As more devices become connected, the amount of data generated will increase exponentially, creating new opportunities and challenges for businesses and consumers alike.
  3. Blockchain: The blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that provides a secure and transparent way to record transactions. Its potential uses range from digital currencies to supply chain management to voting systems.
  4. Quantum Computing: Quantum computing is a nascent field that promises to revolutionize computing by enabling faster and more powerful computations than classical computing can achieve. While still in its early stages, the potential applications of quantum computing are vast, from drug discovery to cryptography to machine learning.

Overall, the future of information technology is one of continual evolution and innovation, with new technologies and applications emerging all the time. It will be exciting to see how these trends and advancements shape our world in the years to come.

Single Question

The future of information technology is likely to be shaped by a number of trends and developments, including the ongoing growth of cloud computing, the increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the proliferation of big data, the rise of the internet of things, and the growing importance of cybersecurity. Additionally, there is likely to be a growing emphasis on the use of technology to address social and environmental challenges, such as climate change and access to healthcare. Other trends that are likely to shape the future of IT include the continued development of 5G networks, the increasing use of virtual and augmented reality, and the growth of edge computing.

Humans are needed to set the objectives, define the ethical boundaries, and provide the context in which AI operates

With the recent advances in AI and ML, do you think humans will become the limiting factor in technology delivery?

While recent advances in AI and ML have enabled machines to perform many tasks more quickly and accurately than humans, I don’t believe that humans will become the limiting factor in technology delivery. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Human creativity and innovation: While machines can perform many tasks more efficiently than humans, they are still limited by the algorithms and data sets they are trained on. Humans, on the other hand, have the ability to be creative and innovative in ways that machines are not. This means that humans can still play a critical role in developing new technologies and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
  2. Human judgment and decision-making: While machines can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns and trends, they still lack the ability to make nuanced judgments and decisions. Humans are better equipped to weigh complex factors and make decisions based on ethical, social, and other considerations.
  3. Human empathy and communication skills: While machines can provide efficient and accurate information, they lack the empathy and communication skills that humans possess. This means that humans are still better equipped to understand and respond to the emotional and social needs of other humans.

In summary, while AI and ML have enabled machines to perform many tasks more efficiently than humans, there are still many areas where humans excel and will continue to play a critical role in technology delivery.

Single Question

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have made significant advances in recent years, and it is likely that these technologies will continue to improve in the future. However, it is important to note that even though AI and ML can perform many tasks with high accuracy and speed, humans are still needed to provide guidance, oversight, and decision-making.

Humans are needed to set the objectives, define the ethical boundaries, and provide the context in which AI operates. Additionally, humans are responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining AI systems, and for interpreting the results and taking appropriate actions.

In summary, while AI and ML can automate many tasks and improve efficiency, humans are still an essential part of technology delivery and decision making. AI is a tool that can assist human in decision making, but it’s not a replacement for humans.

What are the most promising and impactful technology trends in the field of AI and ML currently?

AI and ML are rapidly evolving fields, and there are several promising and impactful technology trends that are emerging. Here are some of the most notable ones:

  1. Deep Learning: Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks to learn from large amounts of data. This technique has led to breakthroughs in speech recognition, computer vision, and natural language processing, and is expected to have many more applications in the future.
  2. Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that trains models to make decisions based on rewards and penalties. This approach has been used to develop sophisticated AI agents that can play games, control robots, and even optimize complex business processes.
  3. Transfer Learning: Transfer learning is a technique that allows models to leverage pre-trained knowledge to learn new tasks more quickly and with less data. This approach has the potential to significantly reduce the amount of data required for training, making AI and ML more accessible to smaller organizations and startups.
  4. Explainable AI: Explainable AI refers to techniques that enable humans to understand how AI models arrive at their decisions. This is becoming increasingly important as AI is being used in more critical applications, such as healthcare and finance.
  5. Edge Computing: Edge computing refers to the practice of processing data locally on devices, rather than in the cloud. This approach is becoming more important as devices become more powerful, and is particularly useful for applications that require low latency, such as self-driving cars and industrial automation.

Overall, these trends are likely to have a significant impact on the field of AI and ML in the years to come, and will continue to drive innovation and growth in this exciting area.

Single Question

Computing has made remarkable progress over the years, but achieving general intelligence requires advances in several areas, some of which include:

  1. Understanding natural language: While we have made great strides in natural language processing (NLP), machines still struggle to understand and generate human language with the same level of nuance and subtlety as humans.

  2. Knowledge representation: To achieve general intelligence, machines need to be able to understand and represent knowledge in a way that is similar to how humans do. This requires the development of more sophisticated and nuanced knowledge representation techniques.

  3. Reasoning and problem-solving: Machines need to be able to reason and solve problems in a way that is similar to how humans do. This requires the development of more advanced algorithms for logical reasoning and problem-solving.

  4. Common sense: Machines lack the common sense that humans possess, which allows us to understand the world around us and make intelligent decisions. To achieve general intelligence, machines need to be able to learn and apply common sense reasoning.

  5. Creativity: Machines lack creativity, which is a crucial aspect of general intelligence. To achieve general intelligence, machines need to be able to generate novel and creative solutions to problems.

  6. Emotional intelligence: Machines lack emotional intelligence, which is the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions. To achieve general intelligence, machines need to be able to understand and respond to human emotions.

Overall, achieving general intelligence will require significant advancements in all of these areas and more, as well as the development of new and innovative approaches to AI and machine learning.

In which areas are advances required before computing can achieve general intelligence?

Achieving general intelligence in computing, also known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), is a complex and challenging problem. While progress is being made in many areas, there are still several key areas where advances are required before computing can achieve AGI. Here are a few of them:

  1. Creativity and innovation: While computers are capable of processing and analyzing large amounts of data, they currently lack the ability to be truly creative and innovative. Developing AI systems that can generate novel ideas, think outside the box, and create new knowledge is a critical step towards achieving AGI.
  2. Common sense reasoning: Humans have an innate ability to reason about the world based on common sense knowledge, such as understanding that water flows downhill or that objects fall when dropped. Developing AI systems that can reason about the world in a similar way is a crucial step towards achieving AGI.
  3. Multi-task learning: While AI systems can perform specific tasks at a high level, they currently lack the ability to generalize to new tasks and learn multiple tasks simultaneously. Developing AI systems that can learn multiple tasks with less training data and transfer knowledge between tasks is an important area of research for achieving AGI.
  4. Natural language understanding: While significant progress has been made in natural language processing, computers still struggle to understand natural language in the way that humans do. Developing AI systems that can understand and generate natural language in a human-like way is an important step towards achieving AGI.
  5. Contextual understanding: Humans are able to understand the context of a situation and apply this understanding to their decision-making. Developing AI systems that can understand and reason about context is a critical step towards achieving AGI.

Overall, achieving AGI will require significant advances in multiple areas, and it is likely to be a gradual process that takes place over many years. Nonetheless, progress in these areas is exciting and promising, and it is likely that we will see continued advances in the field of AI in the years to come.

Single Question

Some of the most promising and impactful technology trends in the field of AI and ML currently include:

  • Deep Learning: Deep learning is a type of machine learning that uses neural networks with multiple layers to analyze and interpret large and complex data sets. It is used in a variety of applications, including image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous vehicles.
  • Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that focuses on training models to make decisions and take actions in an environment to maximize a reward. It is being used in a variety of applications, including robotics, gaming, and finance.
  • Generative Models: Generative models are a type of machine learning that can generate new data, such as images, text, and audio, that are similar to the data it was trained on. They are being used in a variety of applications, such as image and video synthesis, style transfer, and language translation.
  • Explainable AI (XAI): As AI systems become more complex and integrated into critical decision-making processes, there is a growing need for methods to make them more interpretable and explainable to human users.
  • Edge AI: Edge AI refers to the deployment of AI algorithms and models at the edge of the network, closer to the data source, instead of in the cloud or data center. It allows for real-time processing and low-latency decision making and is important for applications such as IoT and autonomous systems.
  • Transfer Learning: Transfer learning is a technique that enables a model trained on one task to be applied to other tasks, with minimal fine-tuning. This allows for more efficient and effective use of data and computational resources, and is important for applications such as natural language understanding and computer vision.

These are just a few examples of the many exciting developments taking place in the field of AI and ML. New developments and advancements are happening constantly, so the field is always evolving.

Digital Sustainability

Do you think the current move towards cloud computing is having a positive or negative impact on the environment?

The move towards cloud computing has both positive and negative impacts on the environment. On the one hand, cloud computing can help reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions by enabling more efficient use of computing resources. By consolidating computing workloads onto fewer physical servers, cloud providers can achieve economies of scale and reduce the overall energy consumption required to power their data centers.

On the other hand, the growth of cloud computing has also led to an increase in the number of data centers and the energy required to power them. The construction and operation of data centers can have a significant environmental impact, particularly in terms of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Additionally, the rise of cloud computing has also led to an increase in the use of data-intensive services such as streaming video, which can also have a significant environmental impact due to the energy required to transmit and store large amounts of data.

Overall, the impact of cloud computing on the environment depends on a variety of factors, including the efficiency of the data centers, the energy sources used to power them, and the types of services and applications that are running on them. While cloud computing has the potential to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, it is important to continue to monitor and address the environmental impact of this growing industry.

SIngle Question

The use of cloud computing can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment.

On the positive side, cloud computing can lead to more efficient use of resources, as companies and individuals can share data and applications over the internet rather than running them on their own local servers. This can lead to reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, cloud providers are investing in renewable energy to power their data centers, which can help to reduce the carbon footprint of cloud computing.

On the negative side, the increased demand for cloud computing services can lead to the growth of large data centers, which consume significant amounts of energy. This can contribute to the growth of greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, if cloud providers rely on non-renewable energy sources to power their data centers, it can result in a greater environmental impact.

Overall, the impact of cloud computing on the environment depends on how companies and individuals use the technology, as well as on the energy mix and efficiency of the data centers that power it.

Do you think social media has effected humanity’s ability to physically socialize?

The impact of social media on humanity’s ability to physically socialize is a complex and controversial topic. While social media has undoubtedly changed the way people communicate and interact with each other, the extent to which it has affected physical socialization is a matter of debate.

On the one hand, social media has enabled people to connect with others around the world and to maintain relationships across great distances. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may not have access to a local community or who have mobility or other physical limitations that make it difficult to socialize in person.

On the other hand, some argue that social media has contributed to a decline in face-to-face socialization and interpersonal skills. For example, some studies have suggested that social media use is associated with increased loneliness, decreased social support, and a reduced sense of community belonging.

Additionally, some have raised concerns about the negative impact of social media on mental health, particularly among younger users. Excessive social media use has been linked to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, which may in turn contribute to decreased physical socialization.

Overall, the impact of social media on physical socialization is complex and likely varies depending on a variety of factors, including age, cultural background, and personal preferences. While social media can offer many benefits, it is important to be mindful of the potential downsides and to find ways to balance online socialization with in-person interaction.

Some studies have suggested that social media use is associated with increased loneliness, decreased social support, and a reduced sense of community belonging.

Additionally, some have raised concerns about the negative impact of social media on mental health, particularly among younger users. Excessive social media use has been linked to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, which may in turn contribute to decreased physical socialization​

SIngle Question

There is some evidence to suggest that social media has had an impact on people’s ability or willingness to physically socialize. Social media has become a primary mode of communication for many people, and some may find it easier or more convenient to interact with others online rather than in person.

However, it is important to note that the effects of social media on physical socializing are complex and multifaceted. While social media may decrease face-to-face interaction in some cases, it can also facilitate connections and create opportunities for people to meet and interact in real life. Additionally, the impact of social media on physical socializing can vary depending on individual differences and cultural factors.

Research in this area is ongoing, and there is still much to learn about the effects of social media on physical socializing. It is important for individuals to be mindful of their social media use and to prioritize face-to-face interaction when possible to maintain healthy social connections.

What effects do you think the metaverse will have in society?

The Metaverse, a virtual shared space created by the convergence of physical and virtual reality, has the potential to have significant effects on society. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. New forms of social interaction: The Metaverse could enable new forms of social interaction and collaboration, allowing people to connect with others from around the world and engage in shared experiences in virtual environments.
  2. Changes in the way we work: The Metaverse could also transform the way we work, enabling remote collaboration and creating new opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation. Virtual workspaces could allow people to work from anywhere in the world, breaking down geographic barriers and potentially reducing the need for physical office spaces.
  3. Impacts on mental health: While the Metaverse could offer many benefits, it is also possible that it could have negative impacts on mental health. Excessive use of virtual environments could lead to feelings of isolation or disconnection from the physical world, and there are concerns about the potential for addiction to virtual experiences.
  4. Changes in consumer behavior: The Metaverse could also have significant impacts on consumer behavior, creating new opportunities for virtual commerce and changing the way people interact with products and services.
  5. Potential for new forms of entertainment and education: Finally, the Metaverse could enable new forms of entertainment and education, allowing people to engage with virtual environments in new and immersive ways.

Overall, the impact of the Metaverse on society is likely to be complex and multifaceted, with both positive and negative effects. It will be important for individuals, organizations, and policymakers to carefully consider the potential impacts of this emerging technology and work to address any negative consequences that may arise.

SIngle Question

The metaverse, as a virtual world that blends the physical and digital, has the potential to impact society in a number of ways, including:

  1. Economic: It could create new industries, jobs and businesses, as well as change the way people buy and sell goods and services.
  2. Social: It could bring people together from all over the world, breaking down barriers and creating new communities, while also potentially leading to a further decrease in real-world human interaction.
  3. Cultural: The metaverse could lead to a new form of culture and creativity, as well as provide new platforms for self-expression and individualism.
  4. Political: The metaverse could provide new avenues for political activism, as well as create new challenges for existing legal systems to regulate behavior and protect rights in virtual environments.
  5. Psychological: The metaverse could have positive effects on mental health by providing new outlets for creativity, self-expression and community building, but could also potentially lead to increased levels of addiction and isolating behaviors.

Overall, the metaverse has the potential to bring about significant change in society and it is important to consider both the potential benefits and drawbacks as it continues to develop.

if certain groups are marginalized or excluded within the Metaverse, this could exacerbate existing inequalities and injustices in society

Can you see the negative aspects of human behaviour being recreated in the metaverse?

Yes, there is a potential for negative aspects of human behavior to be recreated in the Metaverse. Just like any other online platform, the Metaverse will be subject to the same risks of cyberbullying, harassment, and other negative behaviors that can be seen in other virtual environments.

Moreover, the Metaverse is designed to be an immersive and interactive space that can create a sense of presence and agency for its users. This means that the actions and behaviors of users in the Metaverse may have real-world consequences. For example, if a user engages in harmful or unethical behavior within the Metaverse, this could potentially impact their relationships and reputation in the physical world.

Additionally, there is a risk that the Metaverse could be used to perpetuate harmful or discriminatory social norms and power structures. For example, if certain groups are marginalized or excluded within the Metaverse, this could exacerbate existing inequalities and injustices in society.

Overall, while the Metaverse has the potential to offer many benefits, it will be important to carefully consider and address the potential negative consequences and risks associated with this technology. This will require ongoing efforts to promote responsible behavior, create inclusive and equitable virtual environments, and mitigate the potential harms that may arise from the use of this technology.

Single Question

Yes, it is possible that negative aspects of human behavior could be recreated in the Metaverse. Any virtual space that involves human interaction can be subject to the same types of negative behavior and social issues that exist in the physical world, such as cyberbullying, harassment, discrimination, and exploitation.

Furthermore, the Metaverse could provide a platform for people to act out in ways that they might not do in real life, such as engaging in anonymous trolling or promoting extremist ideologies. Additionally, the ability to create and customize one’s avatar and virtual environment could potentially lead to the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes and biases.

It is important to acknowledge these potential negative aspects of the Metaverse and take steps to prevent and address them. This could involve establishing clear guidelines for appropriate behavior and enforcing consequences for violations. Additionally, developers could integrate tools and features that promote safety, such as content moderation and reporting mechanisms.

Ultimately, the success of the Metaverse will depend on how well we are able to navigate these complex social issues and create a virtual environment that is inclusive, respectful, and safe for all users.

What impact do you see quantum computing having?

Quantum computing has the potential to have a significant impact on many areas of society, including:

  1. Advancements in scientific research: Quantum computers can process and analyze vast amounts of data, making them ideal for scientific research applications such as drug discovery, climate modeling, and materials science. By providing new insights and discoveries, quantum computing can help address some of the most pressing challenges facing society today.
  2. Improvements in cybersecurity: Quantum computers can perform certain tasks much faster than classical computers, which means they can potentially break many of the encryption algorithms that are currently used to protect sensitive data. However, quantum computers can also be used to create new, more secure encryption algorithms.
  3. Transformations in financial services: Quantum computing can be used to optimize portfolio management, risk analysis, and fraud detection in the financial services industry. By providing faster and more accurate data analysis, quantum computing can help organizations make better-informed decisions and reduce risks.
  4. Revolutionizing machine learning and artificial intelligence: Quantum computing can help improve machine learning algorithms and make them more efficient, enabling more powerful and accurate predictions in areas such as image recognition and natural language processing.
  5. Advancements in quantum physics and other scientific fields: Quantum computing can be used to simulate complex quantum systems that cannot be accurately modeled with classical computers, providing new insights into the fundamental principles of quantum physics and other scientific fields.

Overall, quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize many areas of society and provide solutions to some of the most complex challenges facing us today. However, there are still many technical challenges that must be overcome before quantum computing can become a widely available and practical technology.

Single Question

Quantum computing has the potential to have a significant impact in several areas, including:

  • Speed: Quantum computing is based on quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, which can allow it to perform certain types of computation much faster than classical computers. This can lead to significant improvements in areas such as cryptography, optimization, and machine learning.
  • Drug discovery: Quantum computing can be used to simulate complex chemical interactions, which can be useful for drug discovery and design. By simulating the behavior of molecules and their interactions, quantum computing can help to identify new drugs and materials.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Quantum computing can be used to solve large and complex problems that classical computers cannot solve, which can help in the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.
  • Cryptography: Quantum computing can break many of the encryption algorithms that are currently used to secure communications and data. This has the potential to seriously disrupt the security industry, and new quantum-resistant encryption methods are being developed.
  • Scientific simulations: Quantum computing can also be used to simulate complex systems in physics, chemistry and other scientific fields, which can help in the discovery of new materials, drugs, and technologies.

However, it’s important to note that while the potential of quantum computing is significant, it is still an emerging technology and it is currently in a research and development stage. There are also significant technical challenges that need to be overcome before quantum computing can be widely adopted and used.


Shall we play a game?

Sure, I’d be happy to play a game with you! Let me know what kind of game you’re interested in playing and we can get started.

Keep in mind that, as a language model, my capabilities are more focused on providing information, answering questions and generating text based on the prompts given to me.

I can play trivia games, 20 questions, word games, and any other game where text is the main interaction method.

Let me know what you have in mind!


I assume you can see why everyone has fallen in love with ChatGPT, why it has already captured the imagination of millions of people around the world!? In our current digital existence of mobile phones and textual chat, it feels so natural to have a Teams/Slack/WhatsApp/Messenger style chat, but with “someone” that has split second ability to assimilate and present information sourced from a significant proportion of collective human knowledge. It is like that reassuring best friend that always gives you great advice.

The world has collectively taken an excited deep breath, as it realises it is on the verge of a new era. However, as I, and some of my earlier reviewers of this article have felt, “ChatGPT is scary”!

My interview questions were designed to make ChatGPT really “think”. There were a breadth of technologies discussed, and their potential impact was to be assessed, particularly in society. Societal impact is hard to judge as it is complex in nature. I asked for comparisons and opinions and pros and cons, to make my questions more challenging. This would have been a taxing interview for a human. ChatGPT’s responses are technically brilliant. Not to mention how previous context is used. The answers have a continuum from previous questions, for example providing more socially based answers compared to the single question responses.

How ChatGPT interpreted my questions and formulated such detailed and thorough responses is just astounding. If you then include the speed of response it becomes almost unbelievable. It makes you realize humans are vulnerable. No human could provide such detailed and accurate responses in similar timeframes – so where does that leave us …………..

It turns out, and this will resonate with anyone from my generation, that ChatGPT can play tic tac toe (amongst other games). It isn’t the most fascinating game to watch, but I do love how the textual user interface displays the board and how naturally the language is understood and interpretted.

……. where does that leave us? Well, we can still win at tic tac toe ……. for now!